Farm Creatives’ National Exhibition Success

Earlier this year we blogged about how excited we were to be the official marketing agency for the UK’s national Flooring and Tiling Shows, two huge exhibitions that take place at the Harrogate International Centre each year.

Using multiple marketing platforms from our available services, we increased visitor numbers to the shows by 9.6%, with 3,119 people passing through the doors!

From October 2015, we’ve created and designed digital campaigns, content management of the Show websites, written and printed all the Show materials; including Show Previews and Show Guides and the team have written monthly press releases that have featured in over seven industry leading magazines along with regular printed adverts. This approach to their communications garnered positive reviews and comments from visitors and exhibitors alike.

We attended the show, which took place at the Harrogate International Centre from 18th to 20th September to assist with onsite communications.

With this year being such a success, we’re thrilled to have renewed our contract to work on all aspects of marketing for the 2017 Shows, and work has already begun to beat this year’s visitor numbers!